Optical nanomanipulation kills or fuses individual cancer cells
Researchers in Israel have found a unique way to affect cancer cells in a rather controllable manner. For example, they can kill these cells in various ways, or they can make them fuse together, as they like. They do so by using functionalized, 20 nm in diameter gold nanospheres and …
Researchers in Israel have found a unique way to affect cancer cells in a rather controllable manner. For example, they can kill these cells in various ways, or they can make them fuse together, as they like. They do so by using functionalized, 20 nm in diameter gold nanospheres and …
פיתוח ישראלי: בדיקת דם מהירה – בלי דקירה
מיקרוסקופ שפותח בטכניון מספק את תוצאות בדיקת הדם בזמן אמת ובלי מחטים. קיצור זמן הבדיקה יסייע באבחון מוקדם של מחלות
בטכניון נחנכה מעבדה מתקדמת המפתחת טיפול חדשני בסרטן באמצעות קרני לייזר וננו-חלקיקים מזהב
המעבדה נבנתה בזכות מענק של כשני מיליון יורו מהאיחוד האירופי ובתרומה גדולה של הנדבן לורי לוקיי
A Better Body Cam
A new scope as thin as the letters on a penny uses different wavelengths of light to analyze tissues, such as these ovarian tumors, and build 3-D images from the results…
A new scope as thin as the letters on a penny uses different wavelengths of light to analyze tissues, such as these ovarian tumors, and build 3-D images from the results…
זהב שירפא סרטן ומכשיר שיגרום לעיוורים לראות בעזרת האוזניים – ארבעת הפיתוחים שישנו לכם את החיים
אם יצליח מחקרו של ד”ר ילין מהטכניון, ישמש זהב בעתיד לא רק לעיטור תכשיטים ולקינוחי שוקולד מהודרים, אלא גם לטיפול בסרטן
סינגפור השקיעה 15 מיליון דולר בחקר הנדסת רקמות בטכניון
קרן המחקר הלאומית ומשרד החינוך של סינגפור הכריזו ביום שישי כי ישקיעו 20 מיליון דולר סינגפורי (כ-15 מיליון דולר אמריקני) בחקר הנדסת רקמות בטכניון
Editor’s Summary: The narrow view
Microendoscopy, using devices a millimetre or so in diameter, is an accepted technique in ophthalmics, tumour diagnosis and other medical specialities. Submillimetre-diameter devices have been used in some clinical applications but have not been widely adopted because of their rigidity and poor image quality. A new type of endoscope has now been developed that can transmit video-rate, three-dimensional images from flexible probes that are the diameter of a single optical fibre, at 80–250 um, comparable in size to a human hair.
Microendoscopy, using devices a millimetre or so in diameter, is an accepted technique in ophthalmics, tumour diagnosis and other medical specialities. Submillimetre-diameter devices have been used in some clinical applications but have not been widely adopted because of their rigidity and poor image quality. A new type of endoscope has now been developed that can transmit video-rate, three-dimensional images from flexible probes that are the diameter of a single optical fibre, at 80–250 um, comparable in size to a human hair.
Hair-thin probe gives doctors a 3-D look inside the body
A tiny, flexible probe about the thickness of a hair, recently invented by scientists at Massachusetts General Hospital, can give surgeons an unprecedented, three-dimensional view of their patients’ insides.
A tiny, flexible probe about the thickness of a hair, recently invented by scientists at Massachusetts General Hospital, can give surgeons an unprecedented, three-dimensional view of their patients’ insides.
SCIENCE NEWS, October 18, 2006: Tiny endoscope images hard-to-reach areas
LONDON (Reuters) – Scientists have created a miniature endoscope with a flexible probe about the size of a human hair that produces high definition, three-dimensional images from inside the body.
LONDON (Reuters) – Scientists have created a miniature endoscope with a flexible probe about the size of a human hair that produces high definition, three-dimensional images from inside the body.