Wanted: Motivated Ph.D and M.Sc studentsĀ for innovative projects:
- The Biomedical Optics group is looking for a graduate student for a research project on imaging tympanic membrane vibrations. This technology allows rapid laser scanning of the human tympanic membrane, providing high-speed functional imaging for the diagnosis of various hearing problems. The research involves building the optical setups and the control system, develop algorithms for interferometric data analysis, and conduct clinical trials in human patients.
- Novel in vivo microscopy of blood cells for patient diagnosis. Projects available in basic research with blood samples, new design concepts, image processing, optical simulation software codes, and advanced clinical experiments with patients.
- Ultra-miniature clinical endoscopy. Projects available in endoscope development and design and fabrication of novel miniaturized systems.
- Nanotechnology and high-power lasers for cancer treatment. Projects available in basic research with cancer cell cultures in two and three dimensions.
Please contact Dvir Yelin at yelin@bm.technion.ac.il